
Region: Darmstadt

Darmstadt - Accident between bus and car, two lightly injured

Two minor injuries and about 15,000 euros in damage is the result of a traffic accident on Saturday evening (18.01.) in Landgraf-Georg-Straße. For reasons yet to be determined, a 26-year-old woman from Weiterstadt collided with her vehicle and a bus at the intersection to Pützerstraße around 11.25 pm.
The car was a total loss, and the driver was taken to a hospital with minor injuries. A passenger in the slightly damaged bus was also injured, but was able to make his own way home after treatment on site. The intersection had to be temporarily closed during the accident investigation and medical care.

For further inquiries, please contact:

South Hesse Police Headquarters
Police Directorate Darmstadt-Dieburg
1st Police Precinct
Bismarckstraße 16
64293 Darmstadt
Reporter: Fritsche, POK
Phone: 06151 / 969-41110

Original content from: South Hesse Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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