Local news from Mönchengladbach

Local & regional news and contributions from Mönchengladbach, Kreisfrei and surroundings

News from Mönchengladbach

Current local news & reports from Mönchengladbach and surrounding area

Burning rubbish causes smoke development

Burning rubbish causes smoke development

This afternoon, the fire department was alerted to a fire in a vacant industrial complex on Lürriper Straße
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Burglary in a single-family house

Burglary in a single-family house

On Thursday, January 16, unknown individuals forcibly gained access to a single-family home on Kaldenkirchener Street in the Eicken district between 2 and 6 pm.They searched the premises and stole cash and various jewelry.The Mönche...
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HZA-KR: Customs: 14 arrests during inspections of logistics companies in Mönchengladbach

HZA-KR: Customs: 14 arrests during inspections of logistics companies in Mönchengladbach

Eleven criminal proceedings initiated on site / Further checks to followKrefeld / Mönchengladbach - 14 arrests, eleven new criminal proceedings initiated on site, and several more proceedings initiated for various offenses are the result o...
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Burglary at Health Center

Burglary at Health Center

Between Tuesday, January 14, 6:30 pm and Wednesday, January 15, 7 am, unknown individuals gained access to the health center on Louise-Gueury-Straße.They stole cash and an electronic device.The Mönchengladbach police ask witnesses ...
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Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs

Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs

This weekend, seven men and a woman were caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the district
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Wanted person arrested during attempted theft

Wanted person arrested during attempted theft

Thanks to an attentive witness, the police arrested a woman wanted by warrant in the Am Wasserturm district on Sunday, January 12
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Burglary in multi-family house

Burglary in multi-family house

On Saturday, January 11, unknown individuals gained access to a multi-family house on Wetschewell Street in the Odenkirchen-West district between 10 a.m. and 4:20 p.m.The burglars searched the premises and stole cash.The Mönchenglad...
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Companies in Mönchengladbach

Local companies from Mönchengladbach and its surroundings

Engel und Pesch GmbH


Engel und Pesch GmbH

Frage 1: Wie lautet der Name Ihres Unternehmens Engel und Pesch GmbH Frage 2: Wann wurde Ihr Unternehmen gegründet und von wem? 2019 von Ruth Engel, Jürgen Engel, Dominic Engel und Christoph Pesch Frage 3: Was zeichnet Ihr Unternehmen aus? "Nicht nur beraten, sondern für den Kunden persönlich da sein" - als Dekra­zertifiziertes Bildungsinstitut bilden wir weiter und schulen um - und das alles für den privaten Sicherheitsberuf Frage 4: Was verbindet Ihr Unternehmen mit der Region? Wir arbeiten sowohl mit der örtlich zuständigen IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein, als auch den örtlichen Jobcentern und Vertretungen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Schulter an Schulter und möchten alle Menschen im Bereich der Sicherheitsbranche erfolgreich und zufriedne in ein neues Berufsleben begleiten ...
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