
Region: Mainhausen

Pickpocket caught red-handed - Mainhausen - Zellhausen

Today at around 06:50 AM, a resident of Bahnhofstraße in Mainhausen - OT Zellhausen reported a burglar whom she had caught in the act in her single-family house. Upon seeing the resident, the intruder fled.
In the course of the search for the fleeing burglar, a 33-year-old homeless man was found in the nearby area, who was carrying the stolen goods from the crime scene. The suspect was arrested and taken into police custody. He now faces criminal proceedings on suspicion of residential burglary theft and a presentation to the magistrate. Witnesses of the crime are asked to contact the criminal police in Offenbach at the phone number 069 8098 1234.

Offenbach am Main, January 19, 2025, Stefan Soldner, Duty Police Officer

For any queries, please contact:

Police Headquarters Southeast Hessen
Spessartring 61, 63071 Offenbach
Duty Police Officer (PvD)

Phone: 069 / 8098-2315
Fax: 0611 / 32766-5307

Original content from: Police Headquarters Southeast Hessen, transmitted by news aktuell


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