
Region: Mitte

Detention of a rioter in St. Ingbert

On the evening of January 18, 2025, around 6:15 pm, a man under the influence of drugs and alcohol caused a disturbance in St. Ingbert.
The 44-year-old, who also lives in St. Ingbert, was initially riding his bicycle in flowing traffic in the Wolfshohlstraße area and was swerving. When other road users pointed out his misconduct, he kicked their vehicles. He then continued through St. Ingbert, harassed passers-by, and also kicked parked cars. Even as emergency calls were coming into the police, the man voluntarily went to the St. Ingbert police station. As soon as he entered the station, he began to insult and abuse the officers. He ultimately had to be taken into custody by the police to sober up. During this, there were repeated attacks on the officers. However, these attacks could be fended off, and no one was injured. Several criminal proceedings were initiated against the man, including for drunk driving and resisting law enforcement officers. He was released to go home after sobering up.

Witnesses who can provide information on the matter or who have been victims themselves are asked to contact the St. Ingbert Police Inspection (06894/1090).

Media representatives please direct your inquiries to:

Police Inspection Sankt Ingbert
Kaiserstraße 48
66386 St. Ingbert
Phone: 06894-1090

Original content from: Police Inspection Sankt Ingbert, transmitted by news aktuell


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