
Region: Drangstedt

Press release from the Cuxhaven Police Inspection

Geestland Police Station+++Various Traffic Offences+++On Friday afternoon, the Geestland police detected several traffic offences in their jurisdiction. First, at around 2:25 pm, the Hyundai car of a 49-year-old woman from Geestland was checked in Bederkesa.
It was found that the car was no longer insured. The license plates were unsealed on the spot.

At 5:30 pm, a 62-year-old man from Bremen was checked with a van and trailer on the A27 motorway in the Loxstedt area. The driver did not have the required driving license.

At 5:55 pm, a Fiat car was also stopped on the A27 motorway in the Loxstedt area. This car's insurance had also expired, so this car was also unsealed. In addition, the 25-year-old driver from the Beverstedt community was under the influence of narcotics. A blood sample was taken from him.

Criminal proceedings or administrative offence proceedings were initiated against the three drivers. All persons were not allowed to continue driving their vehicles.

+++Traffic Accident with Seriously Injured Person+++

On Friday at around 11:10 pm, there was a traffic accident in Drangstedt with one seriously injured person. A 42-year-old man from Geestland fell off his pedelec in Heidstraße without any external involvement. The man sustained a head injury and was taken to a hospital. During the accident investigation, alcohol influence was detected in the pedelec driver. A blood sample was taken.

For any queries, please contact:

i.A. Anders-Mercier, PHK
Police Inspection Cuxhaven
Werner-Kammann-Street 8
27472 Cuxhaven
Phone: 04721/573-0

Original content from: Police Inspection Cuxhaven, transmitted by news aktuell


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