
Region: Beselich

Wallet stolen from vehicle

Wallet stolen from vehicle,Beselich, Obertiefenbach, Hauptstraße, Thursday, 16.01.2025, 12:15 pm,(cw)In Beselich-Obertiefenbach, thieves distracted a woman on Thursday afternoon and stole a backpack from her vehicle. At around 12:15 pm, an 81-year-old woman had parked her vehicle in the car park of a supermarket on Hauptstraße.
There, a man approached her and told her that something was unusual about her vehicle. The woman engaged in conversation and checked herself. Either the thief or a second person used this moment to steal a black backpack from the passenger seat. The man is described as being about 30 years old, 1.80 meters tall, and dressed in dark clothing. Witnesses to the crime are asked to contact the police in Limburg at the phone number (06431) 9140 - 0.

For inquiries, please contact:

West Hessen Police Headquarters - Wiesbaden
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 51
65187 Wiesbaden
Press Office
Phone: (0611) 345-1044/1041/1042

Original content from: PD Limburg-Weilburg - West Hessen Police Headquarters, distributed by news aktuell


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