
Region: Herdecke

Burglary and vandalism in vacant nursing home

Herdecke On 18.01.2025, around 00:30 am, three perpetrators pried open the window of a vacant senior home in the Kirchender Dorfweg area in Herdecke. Inside the building, the perpetrators opened several fire extinguishing devices, causing significant water damage.
In addition, anti-constitutional symbols were drawn on the walls. Two suspects were temporarily arrested. The third suspect managed to escape on foot. Stolen goods from another burglary were found on the suspects. These were duly secured.

For further inquiries please contact:

Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Police Department
Press Office
Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Police Department
Strückerberger Straße 32, 58256 Ennepetal
Phone: 02333 9166-1200 or Mobile 0174/6310227

Original content from: Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Police Department, transmitted by news aktuell


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