
Region: Fulda

Joint press release from the Fulda Public Prosecutor's Office and the Osthessen Police Headquarters

Search warrants executed - Amphetamine, hashish and marijuana seizedBad Hersfeld. On Tuesday (14.01.), officers of the Bad Hersfeld and Fulda criminal police secured drugs with a street value of over 20,000 euros.
The background to the measures were findings from an investigation by the Fulda public prosecutor's office against two Bad Hersfeld residents aged 33 and 54 on suspicion of illegal trade in narcotics and cannabis in not insignificant quantities. As a result, the Fulda public prosecutor's office applied to the Fulda district court for search warrants for three apartments in Bad Hersfeld.

During the search measures, the officers found around 600 grams of hashish, about 200 grams of marijuana, cash in the four-digit range and various packaging materials in the 54-year-old's apartment. In an apartment rented by the 54-year-old, a further approximately 800 grams of amphetamine, approximately 800 grams of hashish and around 280 grams of marijuana were found. There were also other utensils such as precision scales and packaging material on site. Small amounts of marijuana and cash were also seized during the search of the 33-year-old's apartment.

After consultation with the Fulda public prosecutor's office, both men were released after the police measures were completed.

Further information is provided by the Fulda public prosecutor's office.

Franziska Kraus,

Fulda Public Prosecutor's Office, Press spokeswoman, 0661/924-2741

Julissa Sauermann,

Police Headquarters Eastern Hesse, Press spokeswoman, 0661/105-1099


Police Headquarters Eastern Hesse
Press and Public Relations
Severingstraße 1-7, 36041 Fulda

Phone: 0661 / 105-1099
(only Mon. to Fri. - during the day)

Central accessibility:
Phone: 0661 / 105-0


Original content from: Police Headquarters Eastern Hesse, transmitted by news aktuell


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