During the checks carried out, the officers had to document 492 speed violations. 51 road users violated the road traffic regulations because they committed right-of-way or turning offenses, while 33 further violations were detected among cyclists and pedelec riders.
In addition, another 17 violations were detected where road users were using electronic devices while driving cars or bicycles.
The officers also identified ten road users who were under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. Among them was a 46-year-old man from Emmerich, who was on his way to the station on Reeser Straße on Sunday (12th January 2025) at 11:00 am. During a traffic check, suspicion was confirmed that the 46-year-old was driving his BMW under the influence of narcotics. A blood sample was taken from him at the police station by a doctor. The colleagues initiated a criminal proceeding and prohibited further driving.
Nine drivers were on the road in the district without a valid driving license.
Checks will continue to be carried out throughout the district for the safety of all road users. (as)
For further inquiries, please contact:
Kleve District Police Authority
Press Office Police Kleve
Phone: 02821 504 1111
Email: pressestelle.kleve@polizei.nrw.de
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Original content from: Kleve District Police Authority, transmitted by news aktuell
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