
Region: Ulm

(HDH) Heidenheim - Drunkard remains unharmed / Car can't get up the hill

At around 6:20 pm on Saturday, a witness informed the police that a VW had crashed on county road 3032 from Heidenheim towards Nattheim, shortly after the motorway maintenance depot. Upon arrival, the patrol found that the 34-year-old driver had veered off the road due to being under the influence of alcohol.
Even a guide post could not prevent him from continuing his journey in the green. As a result, he ended up on unpaved ground and drove along an ascending embankment until his VW eventually tipped onto its left side and stopped moving. The 34-year-old remained uninjured. As he was clearly under the influence of alcohol, he first had to give a blood sample and then his driver's license. The VW driver now faces a charge for endangering road traffic. The total damage amounted to 5,000 Euros. The road maintenance depot had to be alerted to clean the road.

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Ulm Police Headquarters, Command Situation Centre / Me, Tel: 0731/188-1111, E-Mail:

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Ulm Police Headquarters
Telephone: 0731 188-0

Original content from: Ulm Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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