
Region: Mainz

Burglary in a single-family house

Unknown perpetrators broke into a single-family house in Mainz-Finthen between 09.01.2025 and 16.01.2025. The property in question is a vacant single-family house on Sertoriusring. According to current knowledge, the perpetrator perpetrators gained entry through a pried open basement window.
Inside the building, they searched several cabinets and stole a travel bag with contents currently unknown.

The criminal police have secured evidence at the scene. The investigation is ongoing.

Anyone who can provide relevant information on the case is asked to contact the Mainz criminal police at the phone number 06131/65-33999.

For any queries, please contact:

Mainz Police Headquarters
Press Office

Phone: 06131 / 65-30022

Original content from: Mainz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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