
Region: Weimar

Reckless speeder escapes in the fog

On Friday, January 17, 2025, at around 5:00 pm, an unknown male driver of a blue Audi A4 fled from two radio patrol cars of the Apolda Police Inspection. Stolen license plates from Jena were attached to the vehicle.
In a reckless manner, he drove through the downtown and one-way streets of Apolda in the opposite direction. Despite high speed and other road users, the driver escaped via Erfurter Strasse, continuing through Oberroßla and Rödigsdorf on the federal highway 87 in the direction of Umpferstedt. Due to dense fog and winter road conditions, the driver was able to shake off the officers. Subsequent search for the vehicle proved negative. Alerted radio patrol cars from the Jena Inspection Service, the Weimar Police Inspection and the Schleifreisen Motorway Police Inspection also did not encounter the said vehicle at the entrances to their areas.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Jena
Police Inspection Apolda
Phone: 03644 541225

Original content from: State Police Inspection Jena, transmitted by news aktuell


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