
Region: Gifhorn

Driving under the influence of drugs

On Friday, January 17, 2025, a car was checked at around 9:30 pm on Alten Postweg in Gifhorn. The patrol car crew encountered a 27-year-old driver.
As it turned out during the check, the driver was operating the Golf under the influence of marijuana. Therefore, a blood sample was later taken from him. The vehicle was also not registered and was fitted with license plates that, according to the driver, were found. The TÜV sticker had been hastily attached afterwards. The person checked could not produce a driver's license either. Whether he ever possessed a driving license or whether it was withdrawn in the past will become part of the criminal proceedings. After the facts were recorded and a blood sample was taken at the hospital, the 27-year-old was allowed to walk home.

For any queries, please contact:

Gifhorn Police Inspection

Phone: + 49 (0)5371 / 980-0
Fax: + 49 (0)5371 / 980-150

Original content from: Gifhorn Police Inspection, transmitted by news aktuell


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