
Region: Kusel

Pedestrian slightly injured in accident

A pedestrian was slightly injured in a traffic accident on Industrial Street on Saturday evening. The 37-year-old driver of a Hyundai was driving out of town via Glanstraße into the roundabout and intended to leave it via Industrial Street.
At this time, a 24-year-old was walking in the same direction and crossed Industrial Street at the crossing aid located there. The driver disregarded the pedestrian's right of way when turning and hit him. He suffered minor injuries and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

A criminal proceeding was initiated against the 37-year-old on suspicion of negligent bodily harm.|pikus

Contact details for press inquiries:

Police Directorate Kaiserslautern
Police Inspection Kusel

Phone: 06381/919-0
++ Attention, new phone number from 22.01.2025: 0631 369-14499 ++

Original content from: Police Directorate Kaiserslautern, transmitted by news aktuell


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