In addition, various parties had registered election and information stands with the city of Kassel for today, which were set up on Opernplatz and Friedrichsplatz opposite the Königsgalerie. These and other previously announced gatherings for today, Saturday, under the mottos "Affordable Rents" and "Peace for Gaza-Punish Genocidaires" in the Upper Königsstraße in front of the town hall with about 50 participants each, and under the motto "Merci- Stop Private Jets" at Friedrichsplatz with 15 participants, also went off without a hitch.
For inquiries, please contact:
Ulrike Schaake
Press Spokeswoman
Tel. 0561-910 1021
North Hesse Police Headquarters
Grüner Weg 33
34117 Kassel
Press Office
Phone: +49 561 910 1020 to 23
Fax: +49 611 32766 1010
Outside regular working hours
Police Commander on Duty (PvD)
Phone: +49 561-910-0
Original content from: North Hesse Police Headquarters - Kassel, transmitted by news aktuell
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