
Inspection leads to the discovery of narcotics

Police officers stopped an Audi driver for a check on Trippstadter Street early Saturday morning. The officers noticed that the 25-year-old was under the influence of narcotics.
When questioned, the driver confirmed that he had consumed drugs. The man was required to accompany the officers to the station, where a blood sample was taken. The 25-year-old now faces charges on suspicion of so-called drunk driving.

The check also proved disastrous for the man's 22-year-old passenger. The officers found drugs on him in a quantity that raised suspicion of a violation of the cannabis consumption law. The 22-year-old now faces a criminal complaint for possession of the drugs.|pvd

Contact details for press inquiries:

West Palatinate Police Headquarters

Press Office

Phone: 0631 369-1080 or -0
++ ATTENTION, new phone number from 21.01.2025: 0631 / 369-10022 ++


Original content from: West Palatinate Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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