
Region: Rostock

Rostock Fire Department: Burnt food triggers fire department operation in high-rise building

January 18, 2025, 18:49, Rostock City Centre - Home Smoke Detector with Fire SmellThe Rostock Fire Department was alerted this early evening to a triggered home smoke detector in a high-rise building. First responders were able to locate the triggering of the home smoke detector on the 13th floor and confirm the smell of fire.
A depot floor was then set up and fire fighting was initiated from there. After opening the apartment door, the all-clear could be given quickly. The smoke development was moderate and due to burnt food. In addition to the professional fire brigade and the volunteer fire brigade city centre with a total of 50 emergency personnel, the rescue service and the police were also involved in the operation. After about 50 minutes, this was finished.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Rostock Fire Department
Professional Fire Brigade Rostock
On-duty B-Service

For inquiries outside office hours and on weekends:
Office for Fire Protection / Rescue Service and Disaster Protection
Integrated Control Centre for Fire Brigade and Rescue Service
Phone: 0381 381 3711

For inquiries during office hours:
Office for Fire Protection / Rescue Service and Disaster Protection
Press Spokesperson
Phone: 0381 381 3884

Original content from: Rostock Fire Department, transmitted by news aktuell


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