
Region: Böblingen

Stuttgart Public Prosecutor's Office and Ludwigsburg Police Headquarters

A 25-year-old suspect, who was wanted under a warrant, ended his escape with an accident on Thursday afternoon (16.01.2025) in Elsa-Brandström-Straße in Böblingen. The 25-year-old is suspected of having lightly injured a 33-year-old man, presumably by shooting him with a firearm, in Steinenbronn on 28 February 2024. We reported on this on 29 February 2024:'>

Due to lack of evidence, the criminal police of the Ludwigsburg Police Headquarters initially directed their investigations for attempted murder against an unknown person. In the summer of 2024, suspicion hardened that the 25-year-old man could be one of the suspects. On the request of the Stuttgart Public Prosecutor's Office, the Stuttgart District Court subsequently issued a search warrant and an arrest warrant against the 25-year-old. However, the suspect could not be located as he had fled.

On Thursday (16.01.2025), the Stuttgart Customs Investigation Office carried out measures in the Böblingen district as part of an investigation into another matter. In the course of this, the customs investigators came across the 25-year-old. They subsequently alerted the criminal police of the Ludwigsburg Police Headquarters. In Elsa-Brandström-Straße, the 25-year-old, who was travelling in a BMW with a 26-year-old passenger, was to be stopped. However, the 25-year-old attempted to flee again, resulting in an accident at around 16:40. The suspect and two service vehicles occupied by officers from the Stuttgart Customs Investigation Office were involved in this. Two customs investigators suffered minor injuries. They had to be taken to hospitals. The suspect's BMW and a service vehicle were no longer drivable and were towed away. The resulting property damage amounts to approximately 23,000 euros.

The 25-year-old German suspect was arrested and presented to the competent magistrate at the Stuttgart District Court on Friday afternoon (17.01.2025). The magistrate executed the already issued arrest warrant and committed him to a correctional facility. The investigation is ongoing.

For any queries, please contact:

Ludwigsburg Police Headquarters
Phone: 07141 18-8777

Original content from: Ludwigsburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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