
Region: Bielefeld

Traffic accident at the intersection / one person injured

(PP/MS) A person was slightly injured in a traffic accident between two cars on Friday evening, around 9:15 pm. The accident occurred at the intersection of Detmolder Str.
Osningstr. A 54-year-old man from Lügde was driving his VW on Detmolder Str. towards the city outskirts when he collided at the intersection with the Toyota of a 55-year-old woman from Bielefeld. The collision occurred, according to current investigations, because the woman from Bielefeld ignored the red light on Otto-Brenner-Str. and entered the intersection. She was slightly injured in the collision. The involved vehicles had to be towed. There was property damage amounting to approximately 40,000 euros. There were traffic disruptions on Detmolder Str. for about 60 minutes.

Journalists please direct your inquiries to:

Bielefeld Police Headquarters
Executive Staff/ Press and Public Relations
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 46
33615 Bielefeld

Sonja Rehmert (SR), Tel. 0521/545-3020
Katja Küster (KK), Tel. 0521/545-3195
Sarah Siedschlag (SI), Tel. 0521/545-3021
Michael Kötter (MK), Tel. 0521/545-3022
Hella Christoph (HC), Tel. 0521/545-3023
Fabian Rickel (FR), Tel. 0521/545-3024
Caroline Steffen (CS), Tel. 0521/545-3026
Lukas Reker (LR), Tel. 0521/545-3222
Jan Grote (JG), Tel. 0521/545-3235


Outside office hours: Control center, Tel. 0521/545-0

Original content from: Bielefeld Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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