For further inquiries, please contact:
Police Headquarters Aalen
Böhmerwaldstraße 20
73431 Aalen
Phone: 07361/580-108
Original content from: Police Headquarters Aalen, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts
17.01.2025 11:11
Residential house damaged by alleged shooting with steel balls
16.01.2025 14:46
250116-4-K Suspected car fence arrested at "purchase appointment" - Audi Q5 Sportbacks seized
16.01.2025 13:37
Crashed into a parked patrol car at 13:49 and fled
18.01.2025 07:54
On a thieving tour with a prepared bag
18.01.2025 18:49
Attempted car break-in
17.01.2025 12:28