
Region: Goslar

Press release from the PK Bad Harzburg dated 17.01.2025

Bad Harzburg. On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, between 2:30 pm and 5:45 pm, there was a traffic accident with unauthorized removal from the accident scene.
A Bad Harzburg resident parked his gray Kia Sorento in the customer parking lot at Goslarsche Straße 1. Upon his return, he noticed a damaged rear left fender on his car. The as yet unknown perpetrator presumably grazed the parked car while parking or pulling out and subsequently left without taking care of the damage. The damage is estimated at 2,500 euros.

Witnesses or informants are asked to contact the Bad Harzburg police at the telephone number 05322-55480.

For inquiries, please contact:

Police Inspection Goslar
Police Station Bad Harzburg
Phone: 05322 / 5548 - 0

Original content from: Police Inspection Goslar, transmitted by news aktuell


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