
Region: Bielefeld

Turned wrong in front of the police's eyes

HC/ Bielefeld-Center- On Thursday, January 16, 2025, police stopped an Opel driver who had tried to evade a police check after a traffic violation. He did not have a driver's license and was under the influence of drugs.
A police patrol was driving around 9:40 PM, behind an Opel Astra Sports Tourer with Gütersloh license plates, on Stapenhorststraße and observed that the driver suddenly turned into Eller Straße against the prescribed direction of travel. When the patrol car followed the wrong-way driver, the Opel driver turned around, passed the police vehicle, and accelerated sharply. The officers turned around and pursued him. Over several inner-city streets, the Astra driver tried to shake off the police by driving at excessive speed, repeatedly driving against the direction of one-way streets, and repeatedly ignoring red lights.

Patrol officers finally managed to get him to stop shortly before Dornberger Straße. The 40-year-old driver from Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock immediately admitted to never having owned a driver's license. In addition, the officers got the impression that he was under the influence of narcotics.

A preliminary drug test was positive. At the police station, a doctor took a blood sample from him. The car was seized and criminal proceedings for endangering road traffic were initiated.

Road users who were endangered by the red light violations or the drive itself are asked to contact the Traffic Department 2 at 0521-545-0.

Journalists' inquiries please to:

Bielefeld Police Headquarters
Executive Staff/ Press and Public Relations
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 46
33615 Bielefeld

Sonja Rehmert (SR), Tel. 0521/545-3020
Katja Küster (KK), Tel. 0521/545-3195
Sarah Siedschlag (SI), Tel. 0521/545-3021
Michael Kötter (MK), Tel. 0521/545-3022
Hella Christoph (HC), Tel. 0521/545-3023
Fabian Rickel (FR), Tel. 0521/545-3024
Caroline Steffen (CS), Tel. 0521/545-3026
Lukas Reker (LR), Tel. 0521/545-3222
Jan Grote (JG), Tel. 0521/545-3235


Outside office hours: Control center, Tel. 0521/545-0

Original content from: Bielefeld Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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