
(Gottmadingen, District of Konstanz) Hit and run on Johann-Georg-Fahr-Street - blue BMW hit and fled (January 16, 2025)

Property damage amounting to around 2,000 euros was caused by an unknown driver in a hit-and-run on Johann-Georg-Fahr-Straße on Thursday. In the period between 8 a.
m. and 5 p.m., the unknown person grazed the blue BMW parked in a parking lot of building number 9 - presumably while parking or pulling out - and then left the scene without taking care of the damage caused.

The Singen police station, Tel. 07731 888-0, is accepting relevant information about the fleeing driver.

For inquiries, please contact:

Katrin Rosenthal
Konstanz Police Headquarters
Press Office
Telephone: 07531 995-3355

Original content from: Konstanz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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