
Region: Paderborn

Fake craftsmen on the move

(md) On Wednesday, 15.01., an 86-year-old senior citizen fell victim to the scam "Fake Craftsman". Unknown individuals gained access to her apartment and stole jewelry.
The lady encountered two unknown men, apparently craftsmen, in the parking lot in front of her house upon returning from her shopping. One of them then rang her doorbell and introduced himself as an employee of the waterworks. Under the pretext of needing to check the pipes, he wandered around the apartment, engaged the lady in conversation and had her watch the running water in the bathroom. He finished the work and even offered to pay 25.00 Euros "water money" as compensation, which was not possible due to lack of change, and left.

Subsequently, the woman noticed that she could not open her wall cabinet in the living room because the key was missing. Using a spare key, she opened the cabinet and found that the lock of the door to her wall-mounted safe had also been opened and jewelry had been stolen.

The police strongly warn against scams of this kind and also appeal to relatives to warn older family members. Further information on types of fraud can be found on the police homepage:

Media representatives please direct your inquiries to:

Paderborn County Police Authority
- Press and Public Relations -
Phone: 05251 306-1320

Outside office hours:

Paderborn Police Control Centre
Phone: 05251 306-1222

Original content from: Paderborn Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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