For inquiries, please contact:
Offenburg Police Headquarters
Phone: 0781 - 211211
Email: offenburg.pp.sts.oe@polizei.bwl.de
Original content from: Offenburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts
19.01.2025 08:35
Fire at logistics company - no injured persons - Roll container catches fire at local DHL distribution center - relatively minor property damage - extensive cleaning work to be expected
19.01.2025 13:49
Gronau - Cabinets and drawers rummaged through
17.01.2025 11:46
Theft of a mobile phone
17.01.2025 11:26
Mahlberg, A5 - Traffic safety work on the highway
19.01.2025 13:42
Ahlen. 29-year-old woman from Ahlen missing
16.01.2025 13:08