Weyhe - Accident at Intersection
A 65-year-old car driver was slightly injured in a traffic accident on Thursday morning around 06.10 am at the intersection of Hauptstraße / Im Bruch. A 52-year-old driver wanted to turn left from Im Bruch street onto Hauptstraße. In doing so, he collided with the car of the 65-year-old woman, who was traveling on Hauptstraße towards Leeste. The slightly injured driver was treated by the emergency services. The total damage amounts to approximately 12000 Euros.
For further inquiries please contact:
Diepholz Police Inspection
Press and Public Relations
Thomas Gissing
Phone: 05441 / 971-0 (extension -104)
Mobile: 0152/09480104
Original content from: Diepholz Police Inspection, transmitted by news aktuell
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