
Circle Lippe/Bad Salzuflen/Leopoldshöhe. Public search for missing teenager

Since Monday morning (13.01.2025), a 16-year-old girl from Bad Salzuflen has been missing. She was last seen around 9.30 am at a school on Schulstraße in Leopoldshöhe.
Due to her young age, self-endangerment cannot be ruled out.

The missing girl is 1.68 m tall, has a slim build, medium blonde, shoulder-length slightly wavy hair, distinctive blue eyes and a prominent lower lip. She is dressed in a dark blue softshell jacket, dark blue jeans, a hoodie and black safety shoes (top black, then a white stripe and black sole with a yellow button on top). The 16-year-old has a distinctive gait (so-called inner gait) and she carries a dark blue/green backpack with a black rain cover from the brand "Coocazoo". It is likely that the teenager is traveling within the country and using public transportation.

The police are asking the public and the media for assistance in the search for the missing girl. A photo of her can be found on the police NRW search portal:

Who can provide information about her whereabouts? Please direct any information to the Criminal Investigation Department 6 / Telephone (05231) 6090 or any other police station.

Press contact:

Police Lippe
Press Office
Nina Ehm
Telephone: 05231 / 609 - 5050
Fax: 05231 / 609-5095

Original content from: Police Lippe, transmitted by news aktuell


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