
Region: Aachen

Thefts in supermarket parking lots

Following numerous thefts in supermarkets and their car parks, Aachen police temporarily arrested a suspect yesterday (16.01.2025). Since October 2024, Aachen police have registered more than 40 theft offences in the vicinity of supermarkets in Stolberg and occasionally also in Eschweiler.
The modus operandi of the hitherto unknown perpetrator was always the same: On the one hand, he stole handbags or wallets from the shopping carts of inattentive customers. In other cases, he took advantage of the brief absence of people who were loading their purchases into their car or returning the shopping cart to the shelter without locking the vehicle.

During the investigation, due to the same modus operandi and similar perpetrator description, it quickly became suspected that a series of crimes with the same perpetrator had to be assumed. Thanks to video recordings showing a crime in December, a 56-year-old man from Stolberg was identified. He is suspected of having committed the above-mentioned crimes. He is no stranger to the police and has been noticed several times for property crimes. Investigations revealed that there is also a warrant for his arrest.

On Thursday (16.01.2025), this very warrant was to be executed by plainclothes police officers and the man was to be arrested. Not only that happened: The police officers were also live as he was about to commit another theft. The police officers saw him leave his apartment and head towards a supermarket. Upon arrival, he apparently spotted an elderly lady who was loading her purchases into her car. He seized the opportunity and approached the vehicle, tried to open the door, but it was locked. As he followed the lady towards the supermarket entrance, the officers approached him. He was arrested without resistance.

The man has been in custody since then. The criminal police are now checking whether he may also be considered for further crimes. (kg)

For further inquiries, please contact:

Aachen Police
Press Office

Phone: 0241 / 9577 - 21211

Original content from: Aachen Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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