
Region: Hildesheim

Theft of an E-Scooter in Bockenem - Witness Appeal

BOCKENEM (lud)On 17.01.2025, in the period from 08:00 to 13:00, a theft of an e-scooter occurred in front of a school on Stormstraße at house number 2 in 31167 Bockenem. According to current investigations, an as yet unknown perpetrator stole the e-scooter of the brand Odys Alpha X3 Pro, which was parked in front of the school and has a blue insurance sticker attached.
The total damage is estimated at approximately 300 euros.

The police ask witnesses who can provide information about the perpetrator who noticed anything unusual at the described location during the above-mentioned period to contact the Bad Salzdetfurth police on the telephone number 05063/901-0.

For any queries, please contact:

Police Inspection Hildesheim
Schützenwiese 24
31137 Hildesheim
Police Station Bad Salzdetfurth

Telephone: 05063 / 901-0

Original content from: Police Inspection Hildesheim, transmitted by news aktuell


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