
Region: Köln

250116-4-K Suspected car fence arrested at "purchase appointment" - Audi Q5 Sportbacks seized

An eye-catching advertisement on an online sales platform led to the arrest of a suspected car fence (26) by plainclothes police officers in Cologne on Wednesday afternoon (15th Wednesday). Following a tip-off, the officers had gone to the agreed sales location and kept the 26-year-old in sight after he parked the offered Audi Q5 Sportback on Montessori Street.
Current investigations revealed that the theft of the high-value vehicle had already been reported and that the license plates and vehicle documents found in the car were forged. Therefore, the officers seized the sports car. Upon checking the personal details, it also turned out that there was already an arrest warrant issued by the Augsburg District Court against the arrested person for violations of the Narcotics Act. (ph/al)

Media representatives please direct inquiries to:

Cologne Police Headquarters
Press Office
Walter-Pauli-Ring 2-6
51103 Cologne

Phone: 0221/229 5555

Original content from: Cologne Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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