However, several witnesses observed on Saturday (11.01.2025) between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm in the streets Am Wiesengrund, Ströätken and Aanepool, how unknown perpetrators in a white delivery van collected these donations and fled.
The driver of the delivery van is described as follows: approximately 50 years old, dark hair, 1.70 meters tall, slim build, Eastern European phenotype.
The passenger is described as follows: approximately 45 years old, dark hair, 1.70 meters tall, slim build, Eastern European phenotype. There is supposed to have been a child in the car as well.
Who can provide information about the unknown thieves, has observed them themselves or noticed a similar incident? This type of theft has been reported sporadically in other cities and municipalities in recent years.
The police in Warendorf are accepting tips at phone number 02581/94100-0 or by email at:
For press inquiries, please contact:
Warendorf Police
Press Office
Phone: 02581/600-130
Fax: 02581/600-129
Outside of office hours:
Warendorf Police
Control Center
Phone: 02581/600-244
Fax: 02581/600-249
Original content from: Warendorf Police, transmitted by news aktuell
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