
Region: Großefehn

Norderney - Vacationers steal pet / Großefehn - Drunk driver / Ihlow - Collision during overtaking / Aurich - Driver collides with tree / Berumbur - Car veers off the road

Crime ReportNorderney - Vacationers Steal PetIn a very unusual incident, vacationers took a "souvenir" from the island of Norderney in December. Apparently, they mistook a free-roaming house cat for a stray and took it home to the mainland - to North Rhine-Westphalia.
However, their plan did not work out. During a visit to the vet, the cat's chip was read - and the rightful owner on the island was informed about the current whereabouts of his cat. The man had already missed his pet, which is a rare breed cat. So he contacted the family in North Rhine-Westphalia. However, they showed little understanding and set conditions for a return. The owner of the cat then filed a criminal complaint for theft. The police are now investigating.

Traffic Report

Großefehn - Drunk Driver

On Wednesday, the police stopped a drunk driver in Großefehn. A witness reported around 4:50 p.m. that a driver was swerving on the federal highway. The driver also touched another v


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