He then reportedly moved on foot towards Maisbach. The alerted police forces were able to identify a darkly dressed person on Rheinblick street during the search a short time later. Here, the suspect was observed getting into a VW parked on the side of the road. Here, the now suspect tried to hide from the police, but was arrested on the spot by the police patrol.
On January 14, 2025, the 28-year-old was presented to the investigating judge of the Heidelberg District Court, who issued an arrest warrant for attempted theft and theft in conjunction with property damage at the request of the Heidelberg Public Prosecutor's Office due to an existing risk of flight. After the arrest warrant was announced, it was put into effect. The accused was then transferred to a correctional facility.
The investigations of the Heidelberg Public Prosecutor's Office and the Mannheim Police Headquarters are ongoing.
For inquiries, please contact:
Heidelberg Public Prosecutor's Office
Press Office
First Prosecutor Mr. Schmidt
Phone: 06221/59-2024
Email: pressestelle@staheidelberg.justiz.bwl.de
Mannheim Police Headquarters
Public Relations Office
Celina-Marie Petersen
Phone: 0621 174-1111
Email: mannheim.pp.sts.oe@polizei.bwl.de
Original content from: Mannheim Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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