A 70-year-old man from Mainz also recently fell into the sights of criminals. His computer was also locked and a phone number was displayed on the lock screen. The man dialed the number, entered several TAN codes as requested by the unknown perpetrator, and in this way authorized several transfers totaling around 2800 euros.
Anyone who can provide relevant information on the case mentioned is asked to contact the Mainz criminal police on the phone number 06131/65-33999.
We strongly advise never to grant access to your computer / laptop in connection with a phone call or to pass on your access, account or credit card data to third parties. If in doubt, ask your bank using the phone number you know.
Information on fraud schemes can be found at:www.polizei-beratung.de.
For any queries, please contact:
Mainz Police Headquarters
Press Office
Phone: 06131 / 65-30022
Email: ppmainz.presse@polizei.rlp.de
Original content from: Mainz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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