The so far unknown perpetrators had cut off and stolen over 4000 meters of copper cable from heating rods for switches. The task forces took photos of the crime scene and the nearby area. The damage amount must be estimated at around 50,000 Euros according to current knowledge. The unknown person or persons had cut the chain-link fence of the premises on Industriestraße at several places and used a ladder to overcome the fence. In addition, based on the evidence, it is assumed that they arrived at the crime scene with a passenger car with a trailer. The Federal Police Inspection Magdeburg has initiated an investigation for a particularly serious case of theft and needs the help of the public: Who noticed suspicious person or vehicle movements in the area of the fenced railway premises in Stendal from the afternoon of January 10 to the morning of January 13, 2025, especially during the night hours on the weekend, which could be related to the crime? Were there any audible noises at a certain time? Relevant information can be given to the Federal Police Inspection Magdeburg (Tel.: 0391 / 56549 555), the free Federal Police - Hotline (Tel.: 0800 / 6 888 000) or any other police station. Further information can also be provided via the tip form on the Federal Police homepage
For inquiries, please contact:
Federal Police Inspection Magdeburg
Phone: +49 (0) 391-56549-505
X: @bpol_pir
Original content by: Federal Police Inspection Magdeburg, transmitted by news aktuell