
Region: Speyer

Speyer - Fuel Theft - Witnesses Wanted

Between 13:45 on 10.01.2025 and 05:40 on 13.01.2025, a Volvo truck was parked on Iggelheimer Street. During this period, unknown perpetrators stole approximately 230 liters of diesel fuel from the vehicle's tank.
Anyone who noticed anything suspicious on Iggelheimer Street between the Bauhaus and the Pfitzenmeier gym during the mentioned period, or can provide any relevant information or clues about the perpetrators? The police ask witnesses to contact them at Tel. 06232/137-0 or by email at

For further inquiries, please contact:

Police Directorate Ludwigshafen
Police Inspection Speyer
Phone: 06232-137-254 (or -0)

Original content from: Police Directorate Ludwigshafen, transmitted by news aktuell


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