
Region: Köln

250116-5-K Possible Deprivation of Liberty

The Public Prosecutor's Office and the Cologne Police announce:Following a tip-off about a deprivation of liberty in the Kalk district, the Cologne Police searched two retail premises on Kalker Hauptstraße and Deutz-Kalker-Straße with special units on Thursday afternoon (16 January). Result: There were no indications of persons being held in any of the properties.
For several days, two men were allegedly held against their will in one of the premises. The investigations had started after a call from one of the alleged victims to the police. Afterwards, his mobile phone was switched off. The as yet unknown backgrounds of the possible deprivation of liberty and possibly the feigning of a criminal offence are still the subject of ongoing investigations. Connections to investigations of the EG Sattla are not apparent. (cr/de)

Media representatives please direct your inquiries to:

Cologne Police Headquarters
Press Office
Walter-Pauli-Ring 2-6
51103 Cologne

Phone: 0221/229 5555

Original content from: Cologne Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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