The 55-year-old had to brake his Jaguar to a standstill as a car in front of him intended to turn left into a junction. A 23-year-old driver from Nienburg, who was driving the Audi A4 behind the Jaguar, noticed the braking of the two cars in front of her too late and drove her Audi into the Jaguar.
The 55-year-old driver of the Jaguar and the 23-year-old driver of the Audi were slightly injured in the collision. However, neither of them needed to be transported to the hospital.
Both cars suffered damage amounting to approximately 10,000 Euros. The Audi was no longer drivable.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Janet Rehburg
Police Inspection Nienburg/Schaumburg
Press and Public Relations
Amalie-Thomas-Platz 1
Phone: 05021/9212-204
Fax2mail: +49 511 9695636008
Original content from: Police Inspection Nienburg / Schaumburg, transmitted by news aktuell
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