Furthermore, the officers of the Federal Police prevented 154 individuals from entering Germany as they had a re-entry ban (Swiss land border: 60 / French land border: 94).
In addition, 47 suspected smugglers were arrested (Swiss land border: 33 / French land border: 14) and 446 criminal arrests were made (Swiss land border: 265 / French land border: 181).
The press release of the Federal Police Headquarters, which includes the nationwide figures, can be accessed at the following link:https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/73990/5942513.
Since September 16, 2024, the controls also affect the land borders with France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Denmark. The temporarily reintroduced internal border controls had already taken place at the other land borders (Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland).
The border controls are necessary for the protection of internal security and to reduce irregular secondary migration.
Note: The data are figures from the Federal Police's entry statistics up to and including November 2024. The data for the month of December are based on a special reporting service and may change slightly in the future due to subsequent entries or necessary quality assurance measures.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Federal Police Directorate Stuttgart
Press Office
Phone: 07031 2128-1111
Email: presse.stuttgart@polizei.bund.de
Original content from: Federal Police Directorate Stuttgart, transmitted by news aktuell
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