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Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Erfurt
Police Inspection Sömmerda
Phone: 0361/5743-25100
Original content from: State Police Inspection Erfurt, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts

14.01.2025 11:46
Traffic accident during rush hour in Saarbrücken

13.01.2025 12:56
BPOL NRW: 45-year-old found in the track area in Cologne - Federal Police investigates

14.01.2025 20:39
Car driver under the influence of cocaine

13.01.2025 08:23
Werl-Westönnen - Burglary

13.01.2025 12:50
(FDS) Fire of a truck trailer on the Federal Highway 28

13.01.2025 09:53