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Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Suhl
Police Inspection Bad Salzungen
Phone: 03695 551 0
Original content from: State Police Inspection Suhl, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts

14.01.2025 13:55
Intoxicated at the gas station

13.01.2025 14:03
Dinslaken - Withdrawal of public search for 89-year-old man

12.01.2025 14:10
Reken - Maria Veen - Theft from several cars / Break-in into residential house

13.01.2025 02:41
Caught with stolen bicycle

13.01.2025 11:30
(Zimmern o. RW. A81 / District of Rottweil) Unknown driver harasses and insults a 33-year-old - information requested (11.01.2025)

13.01.2025 14:04