
Region: Rottweil

(Zimmern o. RW. A81 / District of Rottweil) Unknown driver harasses and insults a 33-year-old - information requested (11.01.2025)

On Saturday, an as yet unidentified driver on the A81 motorway between the Oberndorf and Rottweil junctions coerced and insulted a man. Around 6 p.
m., a 33-year-old was driving a Mercedes in the left lane of the A81 towards Singen to overtake another vehicle. An unknown Mercedes driver with Böblingen license plates behind him forced the man to change lanes using his high beams. Just before the Rottweil junction, the unknown driver was directly in front of the 33-year-old and braked his car heavily for no apparent reason. The emergency brake assist in the Mercedes of the following driver intervened, preventing a rear-end collision. At the intersection to the B462 federal road, the unknown man insulted the 33-year-old by showing him the middle finger. The latter noted the license plate and reported the incident.

The Zimmern traffic police have initiated investigations into dangerous interference with road traffic, coercion in road traffic and insult, and ask witnesses of the incident to call 0741 34879-0.

For any queries, please contact:

Nicole Minge
Konstanz Police Headquarters
Phone: 07531 995-3355

Original content from: Konstanz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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