
Region: Reken

Reken - Maria Veen - Theft from several cars / Break-in into residential house

Unknown individuals broke into several parked cars in the Maria Veen district of Reken on the night of Saturday. Two crime scenes are located on Zur Wassermühle Street, two more on Zum Stellwerk Street, and one on Zum Venn Street.
Among other things, the perpetrators stole wallets in several of the cases. In this context, the police reiterate their appeal not to leave valuables in the car.

In addition, unknown individuals broke into a house on Heideweg in Maria Veen between Thursday afternoon and Saturday afternoon. The perpetrators had forcibly tampered with a basement window to gain entry. They then searched the interior. Whether the burglars stole anything is not yet known. The Criminal Investigation Department in Borken is asking for any information: Tel. (02861) 9000. (to)

Contact for media representatives:

Borken County Police Authority
Press Office
Markus Hüls (mh), Peter Lefering (pl), Thorsten Ohm (to),
Ann-Christin Osterholt (ao), Müzeyyen Sander (ms)
Phone: 02861-900-2222

Original content from: Borken County Police Authority, transmitted by news aktuell


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