For any queries, please contact:
Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Gotha
Police Inspection Arnstadt-Ilmenau
Phone: 03677/601124
Email: dsl.ilmenau.lpigth@polizei.thueringen.de
Original content from: State Police Inspection Gotha, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts

13.01.2025 10:39
Mourning hall in Dadow damaged

14.01.2025 10:07
Rear-end collision on the BAB 24

14.01.2025 09:53
Hoya/Bücken - Traffic accident with two slightly injured persons

14.01.2025 10:15
Multiple nocturnal drives under the influence of drugs

13.01.2025 13:39
Schwanau, Allmannsweier - Suspected thieves temporarily arrested after tip-off

14.01.2025 09:36