Local news from Breuna
Local & regional news and contributions from Breuna, Kassel and surroundings
News from Breuna
Current local news & reports from Breuna and surrounding area
18.01.2025 17:32
Meetings in downtown Kassel proceeded without disruption
17.01.2025 13:28
250 grams of cocaine thrown out of the window during apartment search
17.01.2025 05:20
Schwalm-Eder District, Homberg/Efze
16.01.2025 13:37
Crashed into a parked patrol car at 13:49 and fled
16.01.2025 11:46
Missing 69-year-old from Kassel is back and under medical care
15.01.2025 12:32
Brown Mazda CX 5 stolen in Naumburg
15.01.2025 12:03