
Region: Vreden

Vreden - Patio door pried open

Crime scene: Vreden, Am Stadtpark;Time of crime: 18.01.2025, between 6.30 pm and 10.30 pm;Previously unknown perpetrators had pried open a patio door on Saturday evening to gain access to a single-family house on the street "Am Stadtpark". Upon his return, a resident noticed opened drawers and cabinets as well as a missing coin collection.
Please provide any information to the criminal investigation department in Ahaus (phone 02561 / 926-0). (mh)

Contact for media representatives:

District Police Authority Borken
Press office
Markus Hüls (mh), Peter Lefering (pl), Thorsten Ohm (to),
Ann-Christin Osterholt (ao), Müzeyyen Sander (ms)
Phone: 02861-900-2222

Original content from: District Police Authority Borken, transmitted by news aktuell


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