
Region: Ahaus

Ahaus-Alstätte - Drugs in Road Traffic

Crime scene: Ahaus-Alstätte, Alstätter Brook;Time of crime: January 17, 2025, 11:00 PM;Late Friday evening, police officers discovered during a traffic check that a 43-year-old driver from the Coesfeld district was under the influence of drugs, was driving the car without a license, was smuggling drugs, and was carrying a prohibited one-handed knife. According to his own statements, the drugs were about 5.5 grams of crack for personal use.
His 38-year-old female passenger from the Coesfeld district also had drugs with her. According to her own statements, approximately 0.4 grams of crack. The officers initiated criminal proceedings and prohibited further travel. A doctor took a blood sample from the 43-year-old to accurately prove drug use. The drugs and the knife were confiscated. (mh)

Contact for media representatives:

District Police Authority Borken
Press Office
Markus Hüls (mh), Peter Lefering (pl), Thorsten Ohm (to),
Ann-Christin Osterholt (ao), Müzeyyen Sander (ms)
Phone: 02861-900-2222

Original content from: District Police Authority Borken, transmitted by news aktuell


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