
Exceeded the distance with a forged driver's license

A patrol of the Gau-Bickelheim highway police was quite surprised on Saturday morning during a check of a truck driver. Initially, the patrol established around 10:30 am on the A61 near Albig that the 40-tonner was not maintaining the safety distance to the vehicle in front.
In a subsequent check, it turned out that the 32-year-old driver from the city of Görlitz, handed over a forged driver's license to the officers.

Furthermore, the driver did not possess a driver's license.

The forged driver's license was seized by the police officers. The driver now faces criminal proceedings for forgery of documents and driving without a license. The fine for the distance violation was thus his smallest problem.

For further inquiries please contact:

Traffic Directorate Mainz
Press Office

Phone: 06701/919-0

Original content from: Traffic Directorate Mainz, transmitted by news aktuell


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