
Region: Herzlake

Herzlake - Break-in at Warehouse

Between Thursday and Saturday, unknown perpetrators broke into a warehouse on the street Im Esch in Herzlake. The perpetrators stole a control device and two keys from the tractors parked there.
Damage amounting to approximately 3,500 euros was caused. Witnesses who can provide information about the perpetrators are asked to contact the Haselünne police at the telephone number 05961/958700.

For any queries, please contact:

Police Inspection Emsland/Grafschaft Bentheim
Corinna Maatje
Press Spokeswoman
Telephone: 0591 87 203

Outside of business hours, please contact your local
police station.

Original content from: Police Inspection Emsland/Grafschaft Bentheim, transmitted by news aktuell


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