
Region: Speyer

Driving without insurance and valid driving license on 18.01.2025, 5:30 PM

On 18.01.2025, at around 5:30 pm, police officers checked a car on Wormser Landstraße, which was driven by a 37-year-old woman from Speyer. During the traffic check, it was found that she does not have a valid driving license.
In addition, there is no valid insurance coverage for the vehicle driven by the woman, a Mercedes-Benz E 220d. The officers secured the car. Several criminal proceedings were initiated against the woman.

For any queries, please contact:

Police Directorate Ludwigshafen
Press Office
Police Inspection Speyer
Phone: 06232-137-262 (or -0)

Original content from: Police Directorate Ludwigshafen, transmitted by news aktuell


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